Hello everyone. This is going to be a new thing here. I intend to fill you in every now and then about how writing has been going and the progress of my next book. Usually my explanations for things will include stuff going on in my life as well, as boring as that may be.
Book 2 of Wenworld is coming along quite well at the moment. I am currently 70,000 words into the sequel. Now, as good as that may seem at first glance, this is only the first draft I am speaking of. I tend to delete large portions and rewrite them often. I did that for many chapters in Book 1. Life is also moving a lot faster these days than it was when I wrote Book 1. As I stated in the acknowledgments section of The World Inside the Crystal, I was recovering from being severely ill when I wrote it. I couldn’t work and I couldn’t leave the house. I was bedridden for ten months. That gave me more than enough time to focus on writing. Nowadays I am healthy (Well, kinda healthy) and working as a security guard again. I have less time now than I did then to rewrite things constantly.
But I still intend to keep a good schedule. Book 2 of Wenworld will 100% be releasing sometime in 2021. Of that, I can make a gentleman’s promise. (Sure hope I don’t live to regret that).
Anyways, thank you for reading and following me along. If you enjoyed Book 1, I should tell you that the sequel is already turning out MUCH better in my opinion. I’m really liking it so far.
-Mr. Preston